Year 1



Class of 2022- 2023

Autumn term


This term we have been thinking all about the Christian celebration of Harvest. We have explored fruits and vegetables through painting them and tasting them. We also understand that it is a time to be thankful for the food we receive. We say thank you to God and to the people around us who provide us with food. We have also learnt about the Jewish festival of Passover as this is also a special time for the Jewish community to say thank you to God for their freedom. They celebrate by building special huts known as Sukka huts and share a traditional meal with their family. 

Science and Geography

We have been exploring the seasons in Science this half term. We were able to identify signs of Autumn in our forestry school area and found many interesting things such as acorns, berries, colourful leaves and mushrooms. We understand how the weather changes throughout the seasons and have been able to link this knowledge to our geography lessons. We have started our field work investigation which involves observing how an Oak tree changes throughout the seasons. We will be revisiting our Oak tree every month throughout Year 1 to sketch and record how it changes.

Art and design

This term has been all about exploring paint. We began by using the primary colours red, yellow and blue to mix primary colours. We then moved on to exploring shades and tints and also how to use different tools to create texture with paint. Our final project was to create a landscape painting using the skills that we have learnt.

Life Education

This year the children were visited by the Life Education team. They brought along our favourite character. Gerald the Giraffe and some of his friends. The children learnt about the importance of friendship and how to maintain a healthy life style.

Mental Health Awareness Day

They children thought about ways in which they could improve their own mental health. We understand that in order to have a positive balance at school it’s important to create a calming atmosphere. In class we are used to playing relaxing music to create positive vibes. We thought we would have a go at creating our own calming music through exploring instruments and how to play them to reflect relaxation. Have a listen to our classes composition of calming music. You may want to close your eyes whilst you listen!

Class of 2021- 2022

A very warm welcome to this year's class. We hope you enjoy looking at all the wonderful learning that will take place in Year 1, on our web page, this year. Below you can find the knowledge organisers for each term to show what the children will be learning about. Feel free to familiarise yourself with our curriculum.

Autumn term:

Science (Weather and Seasons)

Science (Materials)

Art and Design




Design and Technology

Spring term:

Science (The Senses)

Science (Plants)

Art and Design



Design and Technology

Summer term:

Science (Animals and living things)

Art and Design


History topic 1

History topic 2


Please watch our latest celebration of the children's work in Year 1...

Summer Term

The children really enjoyed participating in our school's Sports day. The children in year 1 took part in a running race, obstacle course and the egg and spoon race. They showed great perseverance, encouragement towards others and community spirit. 

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Spirited arts week

As part of our school's spirited arts week the children began the week by reading the story 'The Sneetches' by Dr Seuss. We thought about how God created us all to be different and our differences should be celebrated. The characters in the book where birds and so we began researching different birds from around the world. Some children chose parrots, peacocks, flamingos, eagles, owls. We then began to sketch our birds through using our observational drawing skills. After drawing, we chose whether we wanted to paint, use pastels, collage or print our birds to add colour. Our birds look beautiful on our display about 'Creation'. We also painted feathers using watercolour paints. We thought carefully about the shapes, patterns and colours we could see in the different feathers. 

Spring Term

Celebration assembly Spring term 2

Science week

The theme for Science week this year was 'Growth'. Spring is the perfect time of year for exploring growth and new life. The children went on a Spring walk around the school grounds to spot signs of new life. They used their photograph skills to capture the sense of Spring. Afterwards the children picked out their favourite photograph and created observational paintings.  

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During Science week we also set up an investigation to explore the speed of germination when growing different seeds. The children used their observational skills to monitor the growth of three seeds of their choice. The gave each seed 3ml of water per day to make sure that it was a fair test. 

World Book Day

To celebrate world book day the children came in fancy dress. They had fun completing different book themed activities. They wrote riddles for their friends to guess their favourite story. In Maths we read the story pattern fish and created our own repeated patterns using resources around the classroom. 

Celebration assembly Spring term 1

Science- 'The Senses'

The children have spent a lot of time investigating the senses. They have conducted many tests and experiments.  They spent an afternoon experiencing what it might be like for someone who has lost their sense of sight. The children wore a blindfold. They completed everyday tasks such as washing their hands, listening to a story, walking around the classroom, drawing pictures and writing their own name. Some children discussed how difficult the afternoon was and thought about how thankful they were to have their sense of sight. 

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Number day

Year 1 enjoyed celebrating Number Day. They all made such a wonderful effort with their costumes. We enjoyed a game of playing number games. 

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Celebration assembly Autumn term 2

The children started the second half of the Autumn term completing their final projects in Art and Design. After weeks of experimenting with painting techniques and using different tool they used their experiences to create individual landscape picture. The final pieces are unique and wonderful to behold...

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What a great time we have had learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali! We have created Rangoli art on the school playground, designed Henna tattoos and retold the story of Rama and Sita. 

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The children have enjoyed reenacting bonfire night to inspire creative writing during their poetry unit. We thought about onomatopoeia and the use of our senses. Below you can read some examples of the children's work that they have produced.

The children have learnt so much so far during their time in Year 1. We have been thinking about the Christian value of thankfulness during our Harvest unit in religious education lessons. We have read many stories such as The Little Red Hen and The Leafman to support us in our creative writing. The children have particularly enjoyed their history unit ‘Childhood Memories’ where they have played with and discovered more about toys through the ages and traditional play ground games. Through their art and design lessons, the children have been experimenting with mixing primary colours and painting techniques. You can see more of what we have been doing in Year 1 by watching the video below.

Celebration assembly Autumn term 1


We hope you enjoy looking below at all the exciting things we have been learning about this year!

Summer Term

The children in Year 1 have worked incredibly hard this term. We have practiced dance routines, created music, engaged in diversity week, sports day and conducted investigations in Science. Watch our video to find out more…

A celebration of all that we have learnt during the first part of the Summer term ...

This term the children have been learning how to create different prints in their art work. They have explored different techniques such as mono-printing, relief printing, rubbings and collograph printing. They have created some beautiful textures and effects.

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Below you can find this term's knowledge organisers which show what the children will be learning about in each subject...

  History         Geography         Art and Design          Design and Technology         Science 1         Science 2       

Cultural Week

Hear all about our week learning about Mexico...

Celebration of our achievements in Autumn term 2...

Celebration assembly Autumn 1...

Below you can find this term's knowledge organisers which show what the children will be learning about in each subject.


Autumn Term...

This term the children in Year 1 have been learning lots of new things. In History, we have been learning about how toys have changed over time. Children have had the opportunity to play with toys from a range of different time periods in order to understand how technology has changed the way children play. 

In Geography and science, we have been studying the weather and the changing landscape as we transition between seasons. The children have enjoyed using the outside area to make discoveries and conduct field work investigations.


In Art and Design we have been experimenting with painting techniques and colour mixing. We are learning about the artists Peter Longstaf, Keith Salmon and Vincent Van Vogh, who all have their own unique way of creating landscape paintings. They helped to inspire us when creating our own landscape paintings.

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In music, we have explored the inter-dimensions of music such as pitch, tempo and duration. Our task was to work with a partner to compose, practice and perform a simple tune to reflect what we had learnt about the duration of a note. We used lines and dots to represent the length of a note. You can hear us perform our tunes in the video clips below.


Home Learning Packs

Home Learning Pack 4

Themed Challenges


Additional Maths Activities


Additional Phonics Activities



Home Learning Pack 3 Themed Challenges Additional Maths Activities 

Additional Phonics Activities 


Home Learning Pack 2


*Use your home learning packs and aim to complete one of the activities from the maths and writing worksheets each day.

*Practice hand writing each day using the LetterJoin website as guidance for letter formation.
*Upload your child's learning to See Saw where Mrs Ellison will provide some feedback. You will need to download the app for this and log in using the information in your pack.
*Check your 2Dos on Purple Mash.
*Check your activities on See Saw.
*Phonics play is free for parents to access at the moment and there are lots of interactive resources that support all phases of phonics sounds. 
*Use Numbots, Purple mash, See Saw and Phonics Play to support your child's learning and develop their skills.
*Access Oxford Reading tree to access online reading books each day.