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Knowledge Organisers
Sea Life Centre Trip
We visited the Sea Life Centre in Manchester. Whilst we were there, we took part in a plastic pollution workshop. We also learnt about lots of different sea creatures and particularly enjoyed the rock pool. We used facts from our trip ed to help us write persuasive letters when we returned to school.
Cultural Week
During Cultural Week, we learnt about Polynesia. Polynesia is made up of more than 1,000 islands scattered over the Pacific Ocean. We researched and found out about some of the different Polynesian countries and islands.
The Māori are the Polynesian people of New Zealand. Many generations ago they developed a unique culture, with their own language, mythology and traditions which spread across Polynesia. We created our own Koru artwork using patterns coloured with oil pastels. Koru is Māori for 'loop or coil' and is a spiral shape based on the appearance of this fern. It is an important symbol in Māori art, carvings and tattoos, as it symbolises new life, growth, strength and peace.
We also learnt how to Hula, which is a traditional Hawaiian dance. A long time ago, hula dance was used only in special ceremonies. Now, hula dance is mainly for entertainment.
We learnt about and practised a haka which is a traditional Māori dance or challenge. They are often performed in groups and show a tribe or team’s power and pride. The routines include foot-stamping, loud chanting and sticking out tongues!
We used collage to make Tiki Masks. Real Tiki Masks are carved wooden masks that represent gods from the Polynesian culture, protect their wearer from evil spirits and increase their luck. They are hand-carved, from very strong hardwood, and finished with a mixture of oils and waxes. Tiki Masks are still worn today during festivals, ceremonies and used as decoration in people’s homes.
In Music, we learnt about Tahitian drums. We learnt how they alternate between their 2 hands or beaters to perform very fast, rith-mic beats. The drums are often played whilst people dance along.
Knowledge Organisers
Science Week
During Science Week we were thinking about what happens to our rubbish. We learnt about different materials and how these can be changed. Then we spent time learning about the reduce, reuse or recycle method to minimise our waste. Whilst we were at Bickershaw Country Park, we did a litter pick to keep our local area rubbish free!
Knowledge Organisers
Below you can find links to the Knowledge Organisers for our topics this half term.
In R.E, we have been learning about prayer. We have learnt about why Christians pray and how people of other faiths pray. We spent time exploring different prayer and reflection activities. We have also learnt about how Muslims pray and created our own Tibetan Buddhist Prayer Flags.
Rocks and Soils
We are geologists! In Science, we have been learning about different types of rocks and soils including how they are formed. We have enjoyed classifying, sorting and grouping rocks and soils as well as investigating their properties. We did this by carrying out a permeability test to see which ones let water pass through. We decided that these rocks would not make a very good roof!
We have also learnt about Mary Anning as well as fossilisation.
Art and Design
Claire Coles
In Art, we have learnt about British artist Claire Coles. We admired her mixed media artwork which is inspired by nature. After practicing colour mixing and watercolour techniques we recreated some of Claire Cole's work. We then created our own mixed media artwork using collage, pencils, pens and watercolour paints.
Prehistoric Britain
This term we have been learning about Prehistoric Britain, particularly how people lived during the Bronze Age and Iron Age. We have learnt about chronology and also created some fantastic pieces of prehistoric homework.
Be Well Sessions
This half term we have enjoyed Be Well sessions provided by Wigan Council. We have learnt about healthy living and had fun exercising and playing physical games. Our favourite part was tasting different fruits and vegetables.
Prayer Spaces
Science - Magnets and Forces
Sea inspired clay tiles
Spirited Arts Competition
Summer 1
Knowledge Organisers
Below you can find links to the Knowledge Organisers for our topics this half term.
History Art Y3 Science 1 Y3 Science 2 Y4 Science
Science Week
Our theme for Science Week was Growth for the Future. We focussed on deforestation and learnt about the causes of effect of this. We learnt ways that we can contribute towards ‘re-forestation’, providing habitats and restoring the local wildlife. We designed wildlife areas for in our school grounds as well as bug houses.
We then put our plans into action planting seedlings, sowing grass and wildflower seeds and giving our bug house a makeover!
R.E - Easter Celebrations Around the World
We have been learning about how Easter is celebrated around the world. We thought about why Easter is such an important Christian festival. We reflected upon the traditions we hold at Easter time and why we have these.
We then worked in pairs to select a country and research their Easter traditions. We created PowerPoint Presentations and presented these to the rest of the class.
Spring 1
Children's Mental Health Week
We discussed how to keep our brains healthy and all the ways we can boost our mental well being. This included speaking and sharing worries with someone you know and trust.
We created support balloons and then practiced some calming techniques such as yoga.
History - Transport Through Time
First, we learnt about how transport has changed throughout history, particularly focusing on locomotives and trains.
We found out about key locomotive advancements through time, including steam engine developments and how trains were used to transport goods such as coal and iron. We visited the school train to imagine what it would have been like to ride on the first passenger train at the Rainhill Trails.
We also learnt about Bickershaw Abram train station and visited the now disused railway line which ran from Bickershaw colliery.
R.E - Faith Through Art
In R.E, we have been considering how people can show their faith through art. We looked carefully at a range of Christian artwork, sharing our thoughts, opinions and questions.
We then created our own artwork, portraying our own beliefs.
Pop Art Landscapes
We began our by learning about Pop Art and famous Pop artists, including David Hockney. We then recreated some of Hockney’s famous landscapes before taking inspiration from these to create our own.
Then, we practiced sketching techniques and sketched a seascape using a HB pencil.
Three Touch Ball
In P.E, we have learnt and practiced different passing techniques including bounce pass and chest pass. We also developed our attacking and defending skills.
We applied these skills when playing Three Touch Ball.
In Gymnastics, we have been practicing point balances, travels, leaps and rolls. We then used these to create, perfect and evaluate sequences.
Autumn 2
Geography - Settlements
Science - Light
R.E - The Light of the World
English - Autumn Poetry
Autumn 1
Swimming - Monday
Homework and Spellings - Set in homework diaries each Thursday.
P.E - Tuesday (Active Maths)
Knowledge Organisers
Below you can find links to the Knowledge Organisers for our topics this term.
History Art Computing Y3 Science Y4 Science Design and Technology