School Meals and entitlement to Free School Meals

Our school meals are provided by Local Kitchen.

Our school cook selects menus based on popularity of previous menus. She also celebrates theme days such as Easter, Halloween or large sports events.

The menu is updated and revised regularly. A copy of the menu can be found below.  

You can find ideas for a healthy balanced lunchbox at the Change for Life website. Just click the logo to find out more!

Free School Meals

Infants - Reception, Years 1 and 2

All children get free school meals if they are in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

If you or your partner receive one of the qualifying benefits you can apply for pupil premium to get extra money for your child’s school.

Older Children - Year 3 to Year 11

Your child is eligible for free school meals if you or your partner receive one of the qualifying benefits.

When making your application you are also applying for the pupil premium for your child’s school.

Find out how to apply for free school meals by clicking here.



Lunch Bunch

Our menus are developed by our highly trained staff and offer 4 choices of main meals and 3 choices of dessert, which are compliant with School Food Standards and nutritionally analysed. By making the food both attractive and suitable for children, it helps to increase the uptake of school meals. 

The current school menu is below.


Our food

  • Delicious, freshly made dishes
  • Protein items that promote low salt, low sugar and low saturated fat
  • At least 3 of your 5 a day
  • Freshly made cakes and biscuits containing fruit and cereals, where possible
  • Fresh potatoes of the day and fresh or frozen vegetables, locally sourced when in season
  • Stork margarine, red tractor meat (external link), free range eggs, sustainably sourced fish (Marine Stewardship Council (external link))
  • Water offered with the meal.

Our dishes are largely made from scratch and use only the best quality ingredients.

Why have school lunches?

School meals offer your child a varied and nutritionally balanced meal, saving you time and effort in preparing a healthy packed lunch. As a parent, you can have peace of mind that with the wide variety of school meal choices available every day, there will always be something on the menu that your child will enjoy. 

  • Our school dinners are prepared by highly trained staff using fresh ingredients
  • We ensure that our menus meet current nutritional standards and allergen legislation
  • We cater to special dietary requirements
  • Research has shown that a healthy, nutritious school meal improves concentration in class and helps children cope with the demands of the school day
  • We have regular theme day menus that link to cultural and educational events. 

 Fruit and vegetables

Menu September 2024
