Below is a selection of our policies. If you require a policy that does not appear here, please enquire at the school office.
Administering Medicines
All children need medication at some point in their lives. Some need routine and commonplace medication to control temperature, sore throats, headaches etc. and to relieve the symptoms of childhood ailments such as chicken pox. Others need more long term, prescription drugs and creams for conditions such as asthma and eczema.
The staff and governors of Bickershaw Church of England Primary School wish to ensure that all pupils are safe, comfortable and well enough to learn. The school staff will do all that is reasonable to allow this to happen but at the start of the school day they cannot accept responsibility for any child who is showing symptoms of illness. The best place for any sick child is at home or with a carer. Occasionally a child with a long-term illness will need to be in school and take medication during school hours. If you are unsure about when to return to school after an illness, please see our Parents/Carers page on guidance on infection control
To read our full policies around medicines, please click the links: First Aid Policy Asthma Policy Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy
Anti Bullying
The aim of the anti-bullying policy is to ensure that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Bickershaw Church of England Primary School.
Attendance at school is of paramount importance to your child's education. There is a full page on how you can help your child to attend school which you can find here.
Attendance and Punctuality Letter
Education Penalty Notice - Wigan Council
At Bickershaw, we believe that pupils who feel valued and who are confident are more able to succeed and achieve. We have a firm but fair approach to behaviour.
British Values
At Bickershaw Church of England Primary School, British Values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faith and beliefs are reinforced regularly alongside our Christian Values.
British Values Policy - on our British Values page
Charging and Remissions
The 1996 Education Act requires all schools to have a policy on charging and remissions for school activities, which will be kept under regular review.
Collective Worship
Compliments and Complaints Procedures
This procedure aims to reassure parents and others with an interest in the school that any complaint against the school will be dealt with in a fair, open and responsive way, with the aim of achieving a speedy and satisfactory resolution; and the school recognises that a willingness to listen to comments and criticism and to respond positively, can lead to improvements in school practices and provision for pupils.
Compliments and Complaints Procedures
English is one of the core subjects of the National Curriculum underpinning all other learning. At Bickershaw, we aim to foster a love of reading and writing in the children.
Equality and Diversity Scheme
Bickershaw Church of England Primary School welcomes a diverse population of both students and staff. In order to consolidate and build upon this diversity, it is essential that equality of opportunity and the absence of unfair discrimination be at the core of all the school’s activities.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The law is changing and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into effect on 25th May 2018. It will bring higher standards for handling data and greater expectations for improved transparency, enhanced data security and increased accountability for processing personal data. Schools will have a legal duty to comply with the GDPR.
The new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is replacing the current Data Protection Act (DPA) and is set to strengthen and unify all data held within an organisation. For schools, GDPR brings a new responsibility to inform parents and stakeholders about how they are using pupils’ data and who it is being used by.
What does GDPR mean for schools?
A great deal of the processing of personal data undertaken by schools will fall under a specific legal basis, ‘in the public interest’. As it is in the public interest to operate schools successfully, it will mean that specific consent will not be needed in the majority of cases in schools.
GDPR will ensure data is protected and will give individuals more control over their data, however this means schools will have greater accountability for the data:
Further information can be found at the ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) website.
Online-Safety Policy
Church of England Primary School recognises the internet and other digital technologies provide a vast opportunity for children and young people to learn. Unlike any other mode of technology, the internet and digital technologies allow all those involved in the education of children and young people to promote creativity, stimulate awareness and enhance learning.
PSHE is a very important subject where we teach the children skills that they will need to use in their everyday lives, from being emotionally and physically healthy to the importance of democracy and their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
Promoting Mental Health
Bickershaw Church of England Primary School is a gold level mental health school.
Pupil Premium
The pupil premium is a sum of money, paid by the Government, for every child on roll that in the previous 6 years or currently receives a free school meal. This money is used to fund a pupil premium teacher who works with all pupil premium children to accelerate their progress. Even if you do not claim your free school meal, it is important to register your details so that your child can benefit from this extra tuition.
Religious Education
Safeguarding, Child Protection and Early Help
Bickershaw Church of England Primary School has a responsibility to safeguard all of the children in our care.
Safeguarding, Child Protection and Early Help Policy - on our Policies for Keeping Safe page
Relationship and Sex Education
RSE is an important part of a child's education where they learn about healthy relationships (such as family and friendships) as well as risk assessment. The education the children receive at primary school lays the foundations for the skills to make sensible choices later in life.
Special Education Needs
We at Bickershaw C.E. Primary School are committed to making our best endeavours to meet the special educational needs of pupils and ensuring that they achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes. It is our aim to be an inclusive school and to put into place the practice, in all aspects of our work that ensures that all learners are given equality of opportunity and treated fairly. We want to promote and achieve high standards for all by providing high quality teaching and learning. We will treat learners as individuals and provide differentiated teaching and learning to take account of their individual and special needs e.g. specific learning differences such as dyslexia, dyspraxia; sensory difficulties – hearing, visual; moderate learning difficulties, disabilities and social, emotional, and mental health difficulties.
Special Education Needs Policy - on our SEND page
Start and End of the School Day
The start and the end of the school day is a busy time. This policy explains our practise and we can work in partnership with you to make the transition from school to home and vice versa as smooth as possible.
Start and End of the School Day - on our Policies for Keeping Safe page