We are aiming to be amazing mathematicians. We are learning to be masters of number, fluent in the fundementals, analytical thinkers and confident enough to use our maths knowledge to reason and problem solve.
Maths at Bickershaw Church of England Primary School
Our overarching aim of Maths at Bickershaw Church of England Primary School is to give children the skills and confidence they need to work with numbers. We want to harness the children’s natural curiosity to learn about the world around them and give them skills and knowledge to enable them to solve mathematical problems and think logically. At Bickershaw, Maths is about exploring patterns in number, mastering skills and developing a deep understanding of the number system. Maths is about investigating shape, measures and statistics. Our children develop the skills, knowledge and efficient methods of calculation necessary to support them as adults and with problem solving in life.
Our Maths curriculum will be underpinned by the drivers of heritage, initiative and possibilities.
Curriculum Overview:
In Reception
● Number
● Numerical Patterns
● Shape, Space and Measures
In KS1
● Number - number and place value up to 100
● Number – addition and subtraction
● Number – multiplication and division
● Number - fractions
● Measurement
● Geometry - properties of shapes
● Geometry - position and direction
● Statistics
In KS2
● Number - number and place value up to 10 000 000
● Number – addition and subtraction
● Number – multiplication and division
● Number – fractions including decimals and percentages
● Measurement
● Geometry - properties of shapes
● Geometry - position and direction
● Statistics
● Ratio and proportion
● Algebra
Useful Websites to develop children's Maths skills:
Children can practise and improve their instant recall of times tables facts. To help practise for the MTC in Year 4.
https://nrich.maths.org/ Revise areas of Maths
Improve and test your maths skills.