Statutory Information

Here you can find links to all the statutory information maintained schools must publish on their website. Please contact Wigan Council to find out about our admission and appeal arrangements.

  1. School contact details - For any queries please contact either  Mrs Moran (Admin Officer) or Mr Taberner (Business Manager) in the school office on 01942 866317 
  2. Admission arrangements - Please contact Wigan Council on 01942 489013 to find out about our admission and appeal arrangements.
  3. School Uniform
  4. Inspection reports - Ofsted report / SIAMS report
  5. Exam and assessment results
  6. Performance tables
  7. School Opening Hours
  8. Curriculum 
  9. Behaviour Policy
  10. Pupil Premium
  11. Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch up-premium
  12. PE and sport premium for primary schools
  13. Equality Information and Objectives Statement 
  14. Special educational needs (SEN) and disability information - Including Accessibility Plan
  15. School Compliments and Complaints Procedure
  16. Governors’ information and duties
  17. Financial Information (Financial Benchmarking Data) - No staff have a salary of £100,000 or more.
  18. Charging and remissions policy
  19. Values and ethos
  20. Requests for paper copies - Paper copies of the information on the school's website can be provided free of charge upon request.

Other useful information

1. Appropriate Filtering for Education

2. Appropriate Monitoring for Education 

3. Trade Union Time - No time was taken off for union duties in the last academic year 

4. Freedom of Information Model Publication Scheme

5. Education Penalty Notice - Wigan Council