
Pre-School Admissions

For Foundation Class pupils and parents a comprehensive and enjoyable induction package is arranged for the Summer Term prior to admission to school. Practitioners visit each child’s pre-school setting and arrange a visit to their home to ensure a smooth transfer.

A meeting is held for the parents and carers of prospective reception class children in May of each year. The children then spend time with us on play visits, followed by Inspire sessions for them and their families. These workshops take place during June and July, prior to the children starting school in September. This gives them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the surroundings and also helps them to settle quickly on entry to school.  Parents receive further information concerning the details of this at the Induction Meeting


Further transition

Transition between key stages in the school and between our school and local high schools is carefully planned to ensure continuity for our children.


Admissions for Pupils Transferring From Other Schools

Parents and children are invited to look around the school and pupils are encouraged to attend sessions in their new classes prior to school transfer, to ease the change over between schools.

The school receives information regarding prior progress and attainment from the previous school, which is incorporated into each pupil’s work programme.

Staff are always willing to provide extra support and advice during the settling in period and should be contacted quickly should any worries or problems occur.

For more information on in-year admissions please visit the local authority website below:

Moving Schools - Wigan Council

Admission Criteria 2023-24



You can still submit a school admission appeal. However, there may be unavoidable delays in scheduling your school appeal hearing. This means that the normal timescales and process below may not be followed. You will be sent further details once your appeal has been scheduled.

School admission appeals timetable (

Details of how parents can find out about our school's admission arrangements through the local authority can be found by clicking the link below:

Wigan Council Admission Arrangements