Name of Governing Body: Bickershaw Church of England Primary School
The remit for the Governing Body is to:
Governing Body Composition:
Type of Governor |
No. |
Foundation PCC |
6 |
Ex Officio |
1 |
Local Authority |
1 |
Parent |
1 |
Staff |
1 |
Associate Members |
0 |
Names of Governors |
Type of Governor |
Term of Office |
Date of appointment (Last appointment date) |
To |
Date of resignation (if resigned in the last 12 months) |
Appointing Body |
Allison Taberner |
Headteacher |
50 years |
2.7.14 (01.09.15) |
31.08.65 |
Ex Officio by virtue of being the Headteacher |
Marian Thorley (Chair) |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
1.9.90 (06.12.22) |
05.12.26 |
Elected by PCC |
Elizabeth Davies (Vice Chair) |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
15.7.15 (19.7.23) |
18.07.27 |
Elected by PCC |
Susan Bristow |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
30.06.24 (30.06.20) |
29.06.28 |
Elected by PCC |
Susan Higson |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
27.03.24 (27.03.20) |
26.03.28 |
Elected by PCC |
Tony Webb |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
29.09.16 (01.10.20) |
01.10.24 |
Elected by PCC |
Brian Barlow |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
30.06.24 |
29.06.28 |
Elected by PCC |
Victoria Murphy |
Staff |
4 years |
01.11.23 |
31.10.27 |
Elected by staff |
Niall Collins |
Parent |
4 years |
14.07.24 |
13.07.28 |
Elected by parents |
Vacancy |
Ex Officio |
Chris Hume | Parent | 4 years | 14.07.24 | 13.07.28 |
Elected by parents |
Patricia Holme | Local Authority | 4 years | 07.12.22 | 06.12.26 | Nominated by Council and appointed by the Governing Body | |
Historic (left within last 12 months) |
*(if this is an appointed position because there were insufficient candidates for election this will need to be changed to ‘appointed by the Governing Body’)
Governing Board
Category of Governor (According to Instrument of Governance) |
Name |
Responsibility |
Headteacher Governor |
Allison Taberner |
Headteacher |
Foundation Governor |
Marian Thorley |
Chair, CLA, PP, HTPM, Behaviour, Attendance, Safeguarding, Maths, KS2 |
Foundation Governor |
Tony Webb |
Link, G&T |
Foundation Governor |
Elizabeth Davies |
Vice Chair, RE, SIAMS, Data and Target Setting, Website Compliance, Early Years Foundation Stage |
Foundation Governor |
Susan Higson |
HTPM, Health and Safety, Premises, Mental Health |
Foundation Governor |
Susan Bristow |
HTPM, English, PSHE, SMSC, KS1 |
Foundation Governor |
Brian Barlow |
SEND, Science, Sports Premium |
Parent Governor |
Chris Hume |
Parent Governor |
Niall Collins |
GDPR, ICT/Computing |
Staff Governor |
Victoria Murphy |
Y2 Teacher, Deputy Headteacher |
Local Authority Governor |
Patricia Holme |
Observer |
Darren Taberner |
School Business Manager |
Class Links
Class |
Names |
Reception |
Elizabeth Davies |
Year 1 |
Brian Barlow |
Year 2 |
Susan Bristow |
Year 3/4 |
Susan Higson |
Year 4/5 |
Tony Webb / Niall Collins |
Year 6 |
Marian Thorley / Patricia Holme |
Committee Structure
Terms of reference for all committees are available on request from school.
Asset Committee |
Curriculum and Standards Committee |
Pay Committee |
Headteacher's Performance Management |
Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding finance, personnel and health and safety |
Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding standards in school and the curriculum |
Remit: To make decisions about performance related pay for teachers |
Remit: To make decisions about performance related pay for the headteacher |
Membership |
Membership |
Membership |
Membership |
Susan Bristow (Chair) |
Elizabeth Davies (Chair) | Tony Webb (Chair) | Susan Higson |
Tony Webb (Vice Chair) |
Patricia Holme |
Susan Higson |
Marian Thorley |
Allison Taberner |
Brian Barlow |
Allison Taberner |
Susan Bristow |
Elizabeth Davies |
Allison Taberner |
Brian Barlow |
Susan Higson |
Marian Thorley (Vice Chair) |
Brian Barlow |
Victoria Murphy |
Ad-hoc Committees:
Three governors with no prior knowledge will be called alphabetically to form the committee.
Register of Interests
Name |
Details of Pecuniary Interest |
Details of personal/business interest |
Other establishments they govern |
Marian Thorley (Chair) |
Nil |
Aunty to Y1 teacher |
Nil |
Susan Bristow |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Susan Higson |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Elizabeth Davies (Vice Chair) |
Nil |
Mother-in-law to Y1 teacher |
Nil |
Tony Webb |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Patricia Holme |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Allison Taberner |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Victoria Murphy |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Niall Collins |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Brian Barlow |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Chris Hume |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
To contact a member of the Governing Body please contact our Clerk to the Governing Body:
Charlotte Farnworth
Clerk to the Governing Body
Governor Services
Wigan Council
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over this academic year
Name of Governing Body: Bickershaw Church of England Primary School
The remit for the Governing Body is to:
Governing Body Composition:
Type of Governor |
No. |
Foundation PCC |
6 |
Ex Officio |
1 |
Local Authority |
1 |
Parent |
1 |
Staff |
1 |
Associate Members |
0 |
Names of Governors |
Type of Governor |
Term of Office |
Date of appointment (Last appointment date) |
To |
Date of resignation (if resigned in the last 12 months) |
Appointing Body |
Allison Taberner |
Headteacher |
50 years |
2.7.14 (01.09.15) |
31.08.65 |
Ex Officio by virtue of being the Headteacher |
Marian Thorley (Chair) |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
1.9.90 (06.12.22) |
05.12.26 |
Elected by PCC |
Elizabeth Davies (Vice Chair) |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
15.7.15 (19.7.23) |
18.07.27 |
Elected by PCC |
Susan Bristow |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
30.06.24 (30.06.20) |
29.06.28 |
Elected by PCC |
Susan Higson |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
27.03.24 (27.03.20) |
26.03.28 |
Elected by PCC |
Tony Webb |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
29.09.16 (01.10.20) |
01.10.24 |
Elected by PCC |
Brian Barlow |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
30.06.24 |
29.06.28 |
Elected by PCC |
Victoria Murphy |
Staff |
4 years |
01.11.23 |
31.10.27 |
Elected by staff |
Niall Collins |
Parent |
4 years |
14.07.24 |
13.07.28 |
Elected by parents |
Vacancy |
Ex Officio |
Chris Hume | Parent | 4 years | 14.07.24 | 13.07.28 |
Elected by parents |
Patricia Holme | Local Authority | 4 years | 07.12.22 | 06.12.26 | Nominated by Council and appointed by the Governing Body | |
Historic (left within last 12 months) |
*(if this is an appointed position because there were insufficient candidates for election this will need to be changed to ‘appointed by the Governing Body’)
Governing Board
Category of Governor (According to Instrument of Governance) |
Name |
Responsibility |
Headteacher Governor |
Allison Taberner |
Headteacher |
Foundation Governor |
Marian Thorley |
Chair, CLA, PP, HTPM, Behaviour, Attendance, Safeguarding, Maths, KS2 |
Foundation Governor |
Tony Webb |
Link, G&T |
Foundation Governor |
Elizabeth Davies |
Vice Chair, RE, SIAMS, Data and Target Setting, Website Compliance, Early Years Foundation Stage |
Foundation Governor |
Susan Higson |
HTPM, Health and Safety, Premises, Mental Health |
Foundation Governor |
Susan Bristow |
HTPM, English, PSHE, SMSC, KS1 |
Foundation Governor |
Brian Barlow |
SEND, Science, Sports Premium |
Parent Governor |
Chris Hume |
Parent Governor |
Niall Collins |
GDPR, ICT/Computing |
Staff Governor |
Victoria Murphy |
Y2 Teacher, Deputy Headteacher |
Local Authority Governor |
Patricia Holme |
Observer |
Darren Taberner |
School Business Manager |
Class Links
Class |
Names |
Reception |
Elizabeth Davies |
Year 1 |
Brian Barlow |
Year 2 |
Susan Bristow |
Year 3/4 |
Susan Higson |
Year 4/5 |
Tony Webb / Niall Collins |
Year 6 |
Marian Thorley / Patricia Holme |
Committee Structure
Terms of reference for all committees are available on request from school.
Asset Committee |
Curriculum and Standards Committee |
Pay Committee |
Headteacher's Performance Management |
Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding finance, personnel and health and safety |
Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding standards in school and the curriculum |
Remit: To make decisions about performance related pay for teachers |
Remit: To make decisions about performance related pay for the headteacher |
Membership |
Membership |
Membership |
Membership |
Susan Bristow (Chair) |
Elizabeth Davies (Chair) | Tony Webb (Chair) | Susan Higson |
Tony Webb (Vice Chair) |
Patricia Holme |
Susan Higson |
Marian Thorley |
Allison Taberner |
Brian Barlow |
Allison Taberner |
Susan Bristow |
Elizabeth Davies |
Allison Taberner |
Brian Barlow |
Susan Higson |
Marian Thorley (Vice Chair) |
Brian Barlow |
Victoria Murphy |
Ad-hoc Committees:
Three governors with no prior knowledge will be called alphabetically to form the committee.
Register of Interests
Name |
Details of Pecuniary Interest |
Details of personal/business interest |
Other establishments they govern |
Marian Thorley (Chair) |
Nil |
Aunty to Y1 teacher |
Nil |
Susan Bristow |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Susan Higson |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Elizabeth Davies (Vice Chair) |
Nil |
Mother-in-law to Y1 teacher |
Nil |
Tony Webb |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Patricia Holme |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Allison Taberner |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Victoria Murphy |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Niall Collins |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Brian Barlow |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Chris Hume |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
To contact a member of the Governing Body please contact our Clerk to the Governing Body:
Charlotte Farnworth
Clerk to the Governing Body
Governor Services
Wigan Council
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over this academic year
Name of Governing Body: Bickershaw Church of England Primary School
The remit for the Governing Body is to:
Governing Body Composition:
Type of Governor |
No. |
Foundation PCC |
6 |
Ex Officio |
1 |
Local Authority |
1 |
Parent |
1 |
Staff |
1 |
Associate Members |
0 |
Names of Governors |
Type of Governor |
Term of Office |
Date of appointment (Last appointment date) |
To |
Date of resignation (if resigned in the last 12 months) |
Appointing Body |
Allison Taberner |
Headteacher |
50 years |
2.7.14 (01.09.15) |
31.08.65 |
Ex Officio by virtue of being the Headteacher |
Marian Thorley (Chair) |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
1.9.90 (06.12.22) |
05.12.26 |
Elected by PCC |
Elizabeth Davies (Vice Chair) |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
15.7.15 (19.7.23) |
18.07.27 |
Elected by PCC |
Susan Bristow |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
30.06.24 (30.06.20) |
29.06.28 |
Elected by PCC |
Susan Higson |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
27.03.24 (27.03.20) |
26.03.28 |
Elected by PCC |
Tony Webb |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
29.09.16 (01.10.20) |
01.10.24 |
Elected by PCC |
Brian Barlow |
Foundation PCC |
4 years |
30.06.24 |
29.06.28 |
Elected by PCC |
Victoria Murphy |
Staff |
4 years |
01.11.23 |
31.10.27 |
Elected by staff |
Niall Collins |
Parent |
4 years |
14.07.24 |
13.07.28 |
Elected by parents |
Vacancy |
Ex Officio |
Chris Hume | Parent | 4 years | 14.07.24 | 13.07.28 |
Elected by parents |
Patricia Holme | Local Authority | 4 years | 07.12.22 | 06.12.26 | Nominated by Council and appointed by the Governing Body | |
Historic (left within last 12 months) |
*(if this is an appointed position because there were insufficient candidates for election this will need to be changed to ‘appointed by the Governing Body’)
Governing Board
Category of Governor (According to Instrument of Governance) |
Name |
Responsibility |
Headteacher Governor |
Allison Taberner |
Headteacher |
Foundation Governor |
Marian Thorley |
Chair, CLA, PP, HTPM, Behaviour, Attendance, Safeguarding, Maths, KS2 |
Foundation Governor |
Tony Webb |
Link, G&T |
Foundation Governor |
Elizabeth Davies |
Vice Chair, RE, SIAMS, Data and Target Setting, Website Compliance, Early Years Foundation Stage |
Foundation Governor |
Susan Higson |
HTPM, Health and Safety, Premises, Mental Health |
Foundation Governor |
Susan Bristow |
HTPM, English, PSHE, SMSC, KS1 |
Foundation Governor |
Brian Barlow |
SEND, Science, Sports Premium |
Parent Governor |
Chris Hume |
Parent Governor |
Niall Collins |
GDPR, ICT/Computing |
Staff Governor |
Victoria Murphy |
Y2 Teacher, Deputy Headteacher |
Local Authority Governor |
Patricia Holme |
Observer |
Darren Taberner |
School Business Manager |
Class Links
Class |
Names |
Reception |
Elizabeth Davies |
Year 1 |
Brian Barlow |
Year 2 |
Susan Bristow |
Year 3/4 |
Susan Higson |
Year 4/5 |
Tony Webb / Niall Collins |
Year 6 |
Marian Thorley / Patricia Holme |
Committee Structure
Terms of reference for all committees are available on request from school.
Asset Committee |
Curriculum and Standards Committee |
Pay Committee |
Headteacher's Performance Management |
Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding finance, personnel and health and safety |
Remit: To deal with all matters delegated by the Governing Body regarding standards in school and the curriculum |
Remit: To make decisions about performance related pay for teachers |
Remit: To make decisions about performance related pay for the headteacher |
Membership |
Membership |
Membership |
Membership |
Susan Bristow (Chair) |
Elizabeth Davies (Chair) | Tony Webb (Chair) | Susan Higson |
Tony Webb (Vice Chair) |
Patricia Holme |
Susan Higson |
Marian Thorley |
Allison Taberner |
Brian Barlow |
Allison Taberner |
Susan Bristow |
Elizabeth Davies |
Allison Taberner |
Brian Barlow |
Susan Higson |
Marian Thorley (Vice Chair) |
Brian Barlow |
Victoria Murphy |
Ad-hoc Committees:
Three governors with no prior knowledge will be called alphabetically to form the committee.
Register of Interests
Name |
Details of Pecuniary Interest |
Details of personal/business interest |
Other establishments they govern |
Marian Thorley (Chair) |
Nil |
Aunty to Y1 teacher |
Nil |
Susan Bristow |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Susan Higson |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Elizabeth Davies (Vice Chair) |
Nil |
Mother-in-law to Y1 teacher |
Nil |
Tony Webb |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Patricia Holme |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Allison Taberner |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Victoria Murphy |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Niall Collins |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Brian Barlow |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
Chris Hume |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
To contact a member of the Governing Body please contact our Clerk to the Governing Body:
Charlotte Farnworth
Clerk to the Governing Body
Governor Services
Wigan Council
Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings over this academic year