
We are Historians - We ask questions, find out answers, analyse sources, explore and understand chronology and apply our knowledge to justify arguments. 

History at Bickershaw Church of England Primary School


In school we will help all children to develop an understanding of time, place, people and events through the effective teaching and learning of the knowledge skills and understanding of history. We will use the National Curriculum History Guidelines as the basis for our scheme of work and we will make meaningful links with the other subjects of the curriculum. Our aim is to ignite a curiosity to learn about the past that will help children understand who they are and how their environment and the world has changed over time.


Our History curriculum will be underpinned by the drivers of heritage, initiative and possibilities.

  1. Heritage Children will find out about local History and how events and people have shaped the architecture, transport and traditions.
  2. Initiative Develop the skills to be critical and independent thinkers when analysing and comparing sources of evidence about the past, beginning to understand bias.
  3. Possibility By learning about famous people’s lives, the children will understand the difference they can individually make to the world.


Through our teaching of History, our main aims are:

  • To help all children develop a sense of the past and to develop a chronological framework for learning about life in past times.
  • To enable children to learn about famous people and their impact on our lives.
  • To develop children’s skills as historians to enable them to research and discover the past.
  • To provide a high-quality history education which will help pupils to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
  • To develop pupils’ ability to ask and answer history based questions, using a range of historical materials. - support pupils in their understanding of key historical concepts.
  • To help pupils become critical, independent, creative thinkers
  • To develop within pupils a genuine love for History.

More detailed information, regarding what is specifically taught in each year group, can be found in our Curriculum Endpoint documents at https://www.bickershaw.wigan.sch.uk/virtual-office/school-curriculum-information