Welcome to Year 5/6's page!
Below you can find this term's knowledge organisers which show what the children will be learning about in each subject.
This term we are learning about The Mayas. We will be using our enquiry skills to answer key questions in order to see what we - as historians - can learn from the sources of information left behind and how the past can be interpreted in many different ways. We will be investigating why we study them and learning about how they lived. In Science, we are learning about Light and Animals including humans.
Year 5/6 News
Each half term, the children will be given a project to complete as homework. This half term, I would like the children to research an area of our topic that particularly interests them. The homework can be presented in numerous ways: some writing, art work, a diagram/model or as a presentation. The completed project will need to be uploaded onto SeeSaw or brought into school by the end of the term.
Celebration Assembly Summer 2
Celebration Assembly Summer 1
Celebration Assembly Spring 2
Celebration Assembly Spring 1
Celebration Assembly Autumn 2
Celebration Assembly Autumn 1
Summer 2
Celebration Assembly Summer 2
Forest School Day - The children had a fantastic day using their forest school skills. The children used different kinds of knots to make frames, they built shelters and had hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows. A wonderful time was had by all!
Summer 1
In Design and Technology, we researched African instruments and then used what we had learned to design and make our own versions. We made kalimbas, shekere and djembes.
Celebration Assembly Summer 1
Celebration Assembly Spring 2
Cultural Week
Spring 1
Children's Mental Health Week
Celebration Assembly Autumn 2
A celebration of what we have been doing in Year 5/6 this half term.
Celebration Assembly Autumn 1
The children in Year 5/6 would like to share some of the work they have been doing this half term.
Summer Term
The children have been practising their drawing skills. It links to their work in science and learning about the natural world.
Spring Term
We have been studying Rangoli patterns as part of our work on India and Hinduism. The children used coloured sand, salt, rice and petals to create their final Rangoli designs.
Bikeability Training
Once again, some of our class took part in the Bikeability training. Not only did the children really enjoy it but they learned invaluable skills in order to ride their bikes safely.
Autumn Term 2019-20
Art and Design - Making Christmas Cards
Design and Technology
In Design and technology, the children had to design a moving vehicle for someone they knew. The children were able to make the vehicles move by incorporating a pullback type mechanism using an elastic band.
Summer Term 2018-19
Sports Day
Outdoor School Day
Art Week
For art week, the children in Year 6, researched the designer Orla Kiely. They then came up with their own designs inspired by her work. The children used craft foam to make their own stamps and built up their designs using all the different stamps they made and layers of colour.
Spring Term 2018-19
Bikeability Training
Autumn Term 2018 - 19
Year 6 children made Christingles with the rest of the school. They explained the symbolism of each part as they put the Christingle together.
We planted trees as part of our Forest Schools work.
Taster Day at Westleigh High School - As part of transition and primary liaison, the children enjoyed a visit to Westleigh taking part in science, art and PE activities.
Year 5/6 2017/18
Design and technology - design and make a pizza.
PSHE - Life Education Caravan
Christmas Carols for the Community
Internet Safety Day
Welcome to Year 5/6's page!
Below you can find this term's knowledge organisers which show what the children will be learning about in each subject.
This term we are learning about The Mayas. We will be using our enquiry skills to answer key questions in order to see what we - as historians - can learn from the sources of information left behind and how the past can be interpreted in many different ways. We will be investigating why we study them and learning about how they lived. In Science, we are learning about Light and Animals including humans.
Year 5/6 News
Each half term, the children will be given a project to complete as homework. This half term, I would like the children to research an area of our topic that particularly interests them. The homework can be presented in numerous ways: some writing, art work, a diagram/model or as a presentation. The completed project will need to be uploaded onto SeeSaw or brought into school by the end of the term.
Celebration Assembly Summer 2
Celebration Assembly Summer 1
Celebration Assembly Spring 2
Celebration Assembly Spring 1
Celebration Assembly Autumn 2
Celebration Assembly Autumn 1
Summer 2
Celebration Assembly Summer 2
Forest School Day - The children had a fantastic day using their forest school skills. The children used different kinds of knots to make frames, they built shelters and had hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows. A wonderful time was had by all!